Hi Missy and thanks for taking the time out to speak with us at Musicology.
Firstly, congratulations of on the new single Glow.
Thank you so much we appreciate the love!
The synth and beat laden track is accompanied by an amazing video clip. Was the concept purely of your own creation or something that was storyboarded with the director until you arrived at a place where you were all happy?
I directed and storyboarded initial ideas and we merged into co-directing with Polly Snowden. The inspiration and creative direction was inspired by Daniel Buetti for aesthetics and we incorporated the idea of matter moving between us using CGI.
It was a gruelling, challenging and rewarding film clip all at the same time, we were flying blind going into animation and had a really unique team of people working on it with us. CGI is frame by frame so there was building the story with editing first and then building story with animation.
There is something of a spiritual and other worldly nature to the clip, can you elaborate a little on the subject matter you are addressing in Glow?
Daniel and I are very kindred ... I guess the story of our real life's may have crept into the visual side of our work. We live and breathe each other's life. Matter building into a nebula storm can mean so many things ... triumph of nature, energy being a force that connects. There are a lot of metaphors one may take from it.
With such a strong visual element to your work, is the creation of your music largely guided by your environment, whereby you can see music within the physically observable world?
Music follows the vision from my imagination.
We both don't know how to read music so we describe things to each other to create music.
Perhaps I want the sound to fall away like sand around the lyric Sand, so we create the audio landscapes that evoke that feeling. Most of the time all intentions are married together.
I take all my own observations from the world and process them through characters and stories.
Much like a mythology I guess.
For example an upcoming song you'll hear is called The Tallest Tree and I write about the perspective of the last trees being an army facing defeat ... they stand united and await the onslaught from the machine (society) (corporations) (power)
I feel so much a part of a global consciousness and I guess this is a commentary of sorts.

Often the artistic triangle between music, art and visual mediums are not an equilateral one for most artists but for Ginger and The Ghost it seems that you can’t have one without the other?
Yes, for me I love making my artworks around our sound so I can't resist dreaming up new props or costume or film ideas. But we have to choose wisely because the other side of the music takes just as long so the process of releasing anything takes an eternity! If only we all had Beyoncé’s team we'd be pumping out so much more content.
What does the rest of 2017 have install for you?
Travel, playing new music, and collaborating with some amazing humans!